
An interview with:

I haven’t seen his business card yet. I know many things about him, but not what’s written on his business card, that limited space containing one’s professional image. While some people find it hard to fill all the space of the small rectangle, others simply don’t fit in the boundaries of a card or of a definition. And why even try? Definitions were created to simplify, but simplification is a limit and a vulgarization, fostering a superficial interpretation of things. Specificity implies complexity and interrelation, it requires space. Just think of the old workshop of a craftsman, which has now also become a marketplace, social space and photo set. However, even though it is now clear that a craftsman in the age of social networks “opens” a workshop to the world for commercial reasons, this does not automatically open up new horizons in terms of cultural enrichment.

Photographer Andrea Benedetti
Writer Giulia Pivetta
Special Thanks Luisa Bertoldo
